U3A Browns Bay Inc formed in June 2000

Guest Speakers

Our focus is on Exceptional New Zealanders doing exceptional things

Paul Spoonley

Distinguished Professor Emeritus Paul Spoonley

Paul is one of New Zealand's leading social scientists with an extensive background in research on social and demographic change.


We now have the 2023 census results. They show that the last five years (2018-2023) was boom and bust in terms of population change in New Zealand. But in the year since we filled out our census forms (March 2023),
New Zealand has changed significantly.

The highest ever inward immigration, a big drop in birth rates, and Auckland’s ongoing growth. There is a rapidly ageing population.

Paul will explore what is happening and what the next ten years will bring.

Previous Guest Speakers

 2024 > 2023 > 2022 >  2021 >  2020 >  2019 >  2018 >   2017 >   2016 >  2015 >  2014 > 2013 > 2012 >   2011 >   2010 >   2009 > 2008 >
2000 - 2007 >

Overview of our Monthly Meetings
The two hour meeting is held on the first Tuesday morning of each month. An invited speaker, expert in the field, informs, educates and entertains us. Our focus is Exceptional New Zealanders doing Exceptional Things in New Zealand. A wide range of current topics is covered and we are sometimes privy to information not yet released by the researchers to the public.

The second part of the meeting is provided by our U3A Special Interest Groups whose presentations have been identified as being of interest for the whole membership. A tea break provides the opportunity for members to mix and chat. Attendance at the main monthly meetings is optional. Members are required to attend one or more Special Interest Groups as this is where the active learning focus of the U3A philosophy occurs and long last friendships are made.

Sometimes the sessions are reversed to suit the Guest Speaker.